Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Module 13 & 14 Video Review

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art
-Lowbrow: A person regarded as uncultivated and lacking in taste.
-Initially it was used to images containing naked women.
-Originally meant pornography.
-Has a history in folk art

Displaying Modern Art: The Tate Approach
-The most popular museum of modern art in the world.
-Many abstract artists consciously tried to make paintings that were not dependent on figuration. They wanted to convey emotions, aesthetic effects or a social vision through formal means that were not reliant on external references.
-The displays are geared to make sure no one ever gets bored.
-Moving from room to room is like switching channels on a television.
-The organization/ arrangement of pieces is important as well as the architecture of each room.

Bones of Contention: Native American Archaeology
-Over the past 150 years, the bones of tens of thousands of American Indians have accumulated in the name of science.
-These bones are kept at archaeological sites across the U.S and are in the possession of Museums and the Native Americans want their ancestors back.
-Laws were being passed protecting Indian burial sites.
-The Indians feel that they are less than human because their ancestors are treated this way and their bones can be dug up.

An Acquiring Mind: Philippe de Montebello and the Metropolitan Museum
-Knowledge is the engine that makes museums work.
-Interesting thing about art museums is that they are never finished.
-Philippe de Montebello, served for 31 years as Director of The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
-8th and longest server director
-Guided the acquisition of more than 84,000 works of art.
-Born in France, Educated in Harbor.
-de Montebello says that 100% of what the public wants to see is on display at the Metropolitan Museum at all times.

2. Do the videos relate to the creation of your Art Exhibition project? If yes, explain how. If no, explain why not.
Yes, the videos related a lot to the creation of my art Exhibition project. The videos were all about museums, how work is arranged, and the videos talked about the architecture of the museums which is my theme. Architecture.

3. What is your opinion of the films? Do they add depth to the understanding of the art concepts you practiced while creating your curation project?
I think the films went in depth on how to arrange your art in your exhibition and the importance of the walls and the room itself where each piece is kept. This helped me chose which pieces to use and how to arrange them in my exhibition. I think these videos were very informative and helpful to each person for this project in a different way depending on the theme they chose.

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