Friday, May 10, 2013


1. Which assignment did you ENJOY working on the best? Why?
I enjoyed working on the mask assignment the best because it was fun, different, not something you would think you would be doing in college and I felt like a little kid again making arts and crafts.

2. Which assignment did you ENJOY working on the least? Why?
I enjoyed working on the art exhibition project the least, because I thought that project was the hardest, took the most thought and time. I also got frustrated when I forgot information about the pieces and had to go back and find the pieces all over again.

3. How did you like using ANGEL?
I like using angel, I understand angel more now after taking an online course than I thought I ever would. It is much easier to use than I thought. I really liked how organized everything was, and I knew when everything was due. I could also get ahead certain times if I wanted to or had time to.

4. If you had the opportunity to change this course:
What would you keep?
I would keep the extra credit opportunities, such as this one. I wouldn't add anymore extra credits because the students who don't do their work shouldn't get the opportunity to get their points back for skipping an assignment. I think you offer the right amount of extra credit for students who didn't do so well on an assignment and can get their points back for that reason. I would also keep, where you offer students to turn in work late with permission. Some professors refuse to offer that regardless the situation and I think that is wrong because students go through hard times and sometimes they have trouble completing all the work. Although, I would not let students take advantage of this.

What would you remove?
I would remove the part where you have to respond to two others in the discussion forum. I don't think anyone even reads the responses, because I know I rarely ever did.

What would you add?
I would make the students upload a photo to their blog. I never knew who I was talking to and sometimes I wasn't even sure if it was a male or female because some names can go both ways.

5. Would you recommend this course to your peers?
Yes I would definitely recommend this course to my peers, one of my peers actually recommended this course to me, and I am glad I listened to her. If you have the time and can keep on track with turning things in on time, I would say its definitely worth it.

6. Please list any other comments you would like to share.
Great professor, grading is fair and even without being in class, i've learned a lot from the book and assignments given. I definitely did not waste my time taking this class.

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