Friday, May 10, 2013

Art Criticism Article Reflection Journal

The projects I reviewed were, "The Beauty Of a City by Brandon Martens, "Stories and Histories of Ancient Cultures" by Dimitar Vanev and "Reality Unhinged" by Jeffery A. Wilcox. I chose the exhibit I critiqued, because even though I hate history, this project was the most organized and well put together of the ones I viewed. The structure of this project really caught my eye. When writing the critique article, I realized if I continued writing at the rate I was, then I would exceed the three page maximum. I overcame this problem, by talking about the extra slides Vanev included in his exhibit as one whole slide because they were all basically the same type of pieces. I thought it was interesting to critique my peers work, and see what other students have come up with. But I also felt like I could not say anything bad about it because I'm sure this person spent plenty of time on the project and I don't want to criticize what they've done. Even though the project was great, nothing really bad to say about it. Yes, I would like to read the critique my peers wrote about my project, it would be nice to hear from someones point of view other than the professor. On a scale of 1-10, I would rate my article a ten, because I followed all the directions and included everything I thought would be helpful to improve Vanev's exhibit. I spell checked the article and put a lot of time and effort into it. I both enjoyed and hated this project at the same time. I enjoyed it because I am good with powerpoint and making slideshows, and because I am good at it I enjoy doing it. I hated it because it took up a lot of my time and I found it more difficult than any of the other assignments we had throughout the semester.

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