Monday, April 22, 2013

Module Twelve- Blog: Video Review

1. Explain why you selected each of the TWO videos you choose from the selection listed above.

I selected the two videos I did because I realized that I enjoy the videos on one person more than the videos on one topic. Therefore I chose the video "The Art of Henry Moore" and "Andy Warthol: Images of an Image."

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

In the Video "The Art of Henry Moore," I learned that Henry Moore:
-Was one of the greets artists of the 20th century
-Explored human figure and natural forms in sculptures and drawings.
-The first series woodcarving he did was the roll of honor for the secondary school at Castleford
-He was in the army from 1916-1918
-He received an army grant which enabled him to go to Leeds School of Art.
-Early Mexican Art formed his views of carving.
-His art piece "The Warier" was created because of a pebble he found on the seashore in 1952 that reminded him of a stump of a leg amputated at the hip.
-No stone figure can stand on its own ankles, but bronze has tensile strength.
-Bronze lasts longer outdoors than stone does.

In the video "Andy Warhol: Images of an Image," I learned that
-He never wanted to be an artist, he always wanted to be a tap dancer.
-After Marilyn Monroe's death, he created a piece with the repetition on Marilyn's face. Marilyn's face made Warhol famous.
-Screen was originally made of silk, but it is now a finer material of fine or coarse mesh, depending on the desired effect.
-He was obsessed with repetition.
-His studio became the hangout of New York Artists.
-In, 1963, he bought a movie camera and shot about 10 films and turned his friends into movie stars.

3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

The text has a whole page about Andy Warhol and basically the same information. The video just goes more in detail, expands more and shows many more images. The text doesn't say anything about Henry Moore, so the video was a great amount of information to learn.

4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?

In my opinion, the films taught me a lot. Especially about Henry Moore because the book left him out and therefore without the video, I would have known little to nothing about him. The Andy Warhol video just expanded on what I learned from the book.

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