Thursday, March 21, 2013

Module 8- Blog Video Review

1. Explain why you selected each of the three videos you choose from the selection listed above. I selected the video More Human Than Human because it was required for this Blog assignment. I chose the Cario Museum video, because i've never heard of that museum and I thought it would be interesting to learn about the museum and see what types of things were inside. I picked the video Late Gothic Art and Art Architecture, because I thought the sound of gothic art sounded different and interesting and I am always interested in architecture. 2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned. More Human Than Human, I learned that humans made art and art made us humans. I learned that humans don't like realism. We exaggerate as humans because we don't like the way our body forms really look. We edit advertisements to make the human body look better to satisfy us. Images dominate our lives, they tell us how to behave, what to think, how to feel, they define us. But no other image dominates our lives like the human body. In the film Cario Museum, I learned that the museum is located in Egypt and everything in the museum is about eternal life and death. It is filled with some of the worlds most precious artifacts. The museum is so large that only half of its pieces are shown at one time. These pieces are great visual proof for the archaeology, Egyptian history and art history. I learned that Pharaohs were buried with their treasures because they believed they would follow them to their afterlife. Late Gothic Art and Architecture: England, 1400-1547 captures the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance through architecture Gothic art is dark art. Every church at the close of the middle ages were filled with alters, stained glass images, colorful paintings. All these images had different functions. One thing in common to all the churches was at the east end, to each side of the altar there would be two images. The south side would be the virgin and child. North side you'd have the patronal image- image of the patron saint. 3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text? Both the video and the text teach us about the history of architecture. There was not too much in the book about the video Cario Museum, but for what was in common, the films were more in depth and easier to understand. Further extended the information given in the book. 4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts? My opinion of the films is that they were boring compared to the other videos watched in this course. I may have found them boring because I don't enjoy history and I find it very hard to pay attention to. So it was hard to get myself to focus on the videos and not get distracted. Although I found the films boring, they were very informative and went in depth to complete anything misunderstood in the text.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Module 7- Video Review

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned. Prairie Style (Frank Lloyd Wright) In this video, I learned a lot about the famous architecture Frank Lloyd Wright and how he designed family houses. He built with bands layering of horizontals. He wanted his homes to reflect the time, place and landscape. Many people felt his homes felt claustrophobic because of how low the ceilings were. He also built his houses based on where the sun rises and sets. He wanted his homes to be private but not covered, and he liked his houses with a lot of windows. Frank Lloyd Wright built like houses they grew out of the sight, or belonged. He believed he was the best architect, and he proved himself to be right. Architecture: The Science of Design In this video, I learned about architecture and how it works. I learned a lot about skyscrapers. The structure of a skyscraper causes many problems. Skyscrapers are built with two parts. Superstructure which is the part about the ground, and substructure, which is the part built below the ground. Skyscrapers are set on concrete. With skyscrapers being so tall, wind causes the building to sway. The taller the building the more it will sway. Buildings over 100 feet tall can sway up to 1 meter. Architects can determine this with a computer. A poorly designed skyscraper can cause motion sickness, damage to the building and elevators to stop with high winds. 2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text? These videos relate to the readings in the text because, the videos basically say the same thing as the text. The video’s just go more in depth and have visual examples. For visual learners like me, it really helps you understand what you have read in the text. 3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture? I enjoyed the films. I really enjoyed the Frank Lloyd right video because not only was I looking at pictures of his homes but I was actually able to see a 365-degree view of the homes they showed in the videos. I was influenced by his architecture and I can now say I have a favorite architect. The architecture video was good too, I knew tall buildings swayed in the wind but 1 meter is way more than I imagined. When they showed the building swaying it looked as if it was ready to snap. These videos were very informative and I not only enjoyed them but I learned a lot from them. 4. Why did you choose the films that you watched? I chose the films I watched, honestly because they were the first two on the list. None of the titles interest me more than the others. But after watching the videos I am glad I chose the ones I did, because I really enjoyed them and who knows if I would have enjoyed the other videos as much.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Reviewing Peer Responses to Artwork

1. 2. When looking at this persons first project, I thought they did excellent. They went above and beyond for the project and you can tell they put a lot of time and effort into the project. I enjoyed the pictures used for the project and thought they were very thought out and correct for each element. This person clearly understand the elements and principles of art. 3. When looking at this persons second project, I found this person used images that also interest me. We both said that Tauba Auerbach's "Untitled (Fold)" had an impression on us. We are both amazed with the way it looked like it was actually raised off the wall, but when you looked close it really wasn't. We both used Richard Anuszkiewicz's piece, "Temple to Albers" for our projects, but for different reasons. I found the piece interesting and would like to know more about it. But this person said they felt a connection with the piece. 4. Some of the images this person used I also had an interest in while I was at the gallery. But only choosing six images, i used other images instead. One of the pieces this person used that I enjoyed was Donald Judd's Untitled piece of 1969. I would love to have this piece in my home. Its interesting to look at and would really beautify a home. 5. After reading my peers reflection, I thought it was interesting to see another persons views on elements and principles. I also enjoyed having interest in piece of art as someone else and for the same reason. Makes me feel like I have a connection with some people in the class. 1. 2. When looking at this persons first project, I really liked how she focused mainly on capturing outdoor images rather than indoor images. I think this person achieved her goal in this project. I don't see anything wrong with any of her images and I think she truly understands her elements and principles or art. 3. When looking at this persons second project, I saw that she two of the same images as I did for the project. We both used Phillippe Decrauzat's "Vertical Wave." But we used this image for different reasons. She said she would like to know more about the piece, but I said that the piece had an impact on me because I was amazed with the way it looked like it actually came off the wall. We also both used Marisol's piece, "Baby Girl" for the same reason. We would both like to know more about the piece. 4. One of the pieces this person used that I had an interest in was Sol LeWitt's "Wall Drawing." I stared at this piece the whole way up the stairs but didn't use it for my project because I could not find a label for it. I also noticed everyone else staring at the piece while walking up the stairs. It really attracts the eye. 5. After reading my peers reflection, I thought it was interesting that we both said the same exact thing about Marisol's piece "Baby GIrl." We both would like to know why the baby was so large yet the mother was so small. I also enjoyed seeing what other images she found interesting that I didn't really care for. 6. I thought the comments posted by my peers on my blog were very supportive. They made me feel like I was successful with these two projects. I enjoyed reading complements on my hard work.

Blog 6: Video Review

Through The Eyes of a Sculptor 1. List/discuss the key concepts you learned. In the video "Through the eyes of a sculptor," I learned that the most popular types of stones are clay, bronze, marble and limestone. Also i found it interesting that different types of stones have different scents to them. I learned "Sculptors come alive in clay, die in plaster, and are reborn in marble." Clay hardens to get its shape. I also learned the steps in creating a sculptor. FIrst a clay model is created. Then a cast and last the plaster model is created. Creating a sculptor is a long process. Glass and Ceramics 1. List/discuss the key concepts you learned. I learned a lot in the video "Glass and Ceramics," Glass is made from sand, which is one of the most abundant surfaces on earth. Liquid is stiffened when it is cooled. I learned the steps of making glass. First you heat the mixture which causes the sand crystalized structure to break. Then it gradually hardens in the air until it cools. You can also use a propane torch to shape the glass. Glass and ceramics are some of the oldest man made materials. Ceramics are made from clay and come into existence with fire. Bricks, protective shields for air craft are ceramics. Installation Art 1. List/discuss the key concepts you learned. The idea of installation art came from Marcel Duchomp and installation art is art that takes over space. This type of art Forces the viewer to interact with the art. The video showed Art installations throughout Europe and many other examples giving me a clear picture to what installation art is. 2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text? After reading the text, the videos helped me understand everything much better. The text pretty much said the same thing but videos went more in depth with it. The videos were easier to understand because you were watching what they were doing, not just trying to imagine it. I'm a visual learner, that may be one reason why i enjoyed the videos more than the book. 3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics: Sculpture, Installation, and Craft? I enjoyed the videos and thought they really helped me understand sculptors, installation and crafts. The sculptor video showed a lot of images that helped me understand the process. I had no idea what installation art was until reading the book and watching the video. I enjoyed how the bed was created into art. Really put a thought in my mind to what other objects could be created into a work of art.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Albright Knox

One artwork that made an impact on me was "Vertical Wave" by Phillippe Decracizat, because it made me think of an american flag by the way it looks as if it is a cloth blowing in the wind. I thought it was amazing that line could make something look like it is actually curved in and out when it is completely flat on the wall. This piece made me want to create a piece just like it. Another artwork that had an impact on me was Tauba Auerbach's "untitled (Fold)" because it looks like it is really a crinkled piece of paper on the wall. This was my favorite piece. I liked how the artist brought my eye to the piece with her choice of colors. I feel a connection with the Charles LaBelle's piece "Manifestation: Three San Francisco Motels & Their Surroundings" because I have decorated my high school planners like this. I used cut out squares from online pictures and magazines creating a collage much like this one. This art piece connects with me because it brings back memories and it reminds me of artwork I have created myself. Another art piece I feel a connection with is Giacomo Balla's "Dinamismo di un Cane al Guinzaglio." This image makes me think of being rushed or in a hurry, and I feel like I am always in a rush or in a hurry. I am never on time or early for anything. I would like to know more about Richard Anuszkiewicz's piece "Temple to Albers". I think it looks like the artist feels stressed and stuck. I see bars in this image and the orange color sends out a "stressful" feeling to me. I am curious to know if I am right. I would also like to know more about the piece "Baby Girl" by Marisol. I am very curious to why the lady or mother is smaller than the child. I would also like to know if the head of the baby is supposed to look like a pumpkin. This piece is very interesting and I would like to know the story behind it.
dhawco2010's Albright Knox album on Photobucket