Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blog 2

1. For each video and article list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
The first video talked about all the philosophers and their theories on aesthetics. The different views on the beauty of art. The second video talked about the science of aesthetics and how the human brain develops. This film connected art with biology. 
2.Which philosopher's theory on aesthetics do you feel is most important? Be sure to mention the philosphers name, era (time in history), and contribution to the aesthetic theory in your response.
I feel that Immanuel Kant's theory on aesthetics is important. Immanuel Kant, an 18th Century philosopher believes that it is our judgment of taste that allows us to find beauty in art. That art is not beautiful from what we see, but by the way it makes us feel. Immanuel said "No one could teach someone how to create a masterpiece" This is because no one can teach someone how to feel, its the feelings you express in a work of art that makes it beautiful. 

3. What do you think about Changeux and Ramachandran scientific view of aesthetics and art? What was the most interesting fact you discovered from each speakers lecture? 

I think Changeux's speech was boring and hard to understand with his strong accent. But I did find it interesting that skulls were being used as tools. I think its kind of gross, but interesting. Ramachandran's speech was more interesting and easier to understand. I think I got a lot more out of his speech. I found his "eight laws of aesthetics" interesting. How much the brain is used in the critiquing of art. 

4. How do the videos and article relate to the readings in the text?
The first video relates to the text a lot. They both talk about the different artworks and the meanings of aesthetics. But the video goes more in depth of the philosophers theories on aesthetics. The second video doesn't relate to the text as much. This video talks more about the brain and how science is brought into the beauty of art. The text doesn't talk about the brain and the biology involved in the aesthetics of art. 
5. What is your opinion of the films and article? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics in your reading in the text?
I think the films and article were very informative. I never even heard the word aesthetics before this assignment, watching this video and doing the readings. The videos were kind of long, and hard to sit through but thats because they were into depth and were very detailed. The videos went in depth on who each philosopher was, their aesthetic theories, and where they were from. The second video went into depth on how the brain works and comes into place with art. If I were only to do the readings and not watch the videos I would barely understand the meaning of the word "aesthetics" the philosophers theories. The book mainly focuses on the art pieces themselves. 

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