Monday, February 25, 2013

My Logo Design

1. Discuss what you thought about creating your logo. I thought creating my logo was interesting and fun. I enjoy drawing especially something that represents me and the logo design was completely about me. I never realized I could actually create a logo for myself. 2. Describe the process: creative thinking skills and ideas you used in the logo creation. I used trial and error when creating my logo design. I started out with drawing things that i love such as a lacrosse stick and basketball to represent sports. Then I drew a chicken wing and an ice cream cone because i love food. Then i worked out trying to fit the pieces together to make one design. After sketching out a bunch of designs I realized I could not figure out a way to incorporate the chicken wing into my design so I worked with the ice cream cone and the lacrosse stick. When I found a way to combine those two with my name, I found a way to bring it all together with the basketball. After I decided on my design, I had to decide on colors and medium. I chose to work with markers because I was looking to create thicker and thinner lines of sold colors in my design and I thought markers would work best for that. 3. What was the most important discovery you made in the creation of your logo? The most important thing I discovered when creating my logo was that create a logo is not easy. Finding a way to bring the logo together as a whole was difficult. It took many steps and sketches to find what looked best. 4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos, powerpoint, and reading material  for this project? What is your opinion of the videos? The most important information I learned from watching the videos, powerpoint, and reading material for this project was that you don't need a lot of detail. The main idea is knowing what the design is and what it represents. A lot of the time, logos are contour drawings.
dhawco2010's logo design album on Photobucket

Monday, February 18, 2013

Value Scale, Color Wheel

1. Discuss what you thought about creating the Value Scale and Color Wheel. I thought creating the value scale was kind of frustrating. I worked from black to white and when I first started, I felt like all my blacks looked like they were the same shade. But then after finishing the scale they seemed to fit in much better. Also I was very impatient when creating the value scale. I know that when using graphite, you should not press the pencil to make the shade darker, that will cause the paper to be shiny. You're supposed to continue to go over the graphite to make the shade darker, which I felt like took forever. 2. Which media did you enjoy working with the best and why? I enjoy working with graphite more than i do paint, just because I feel like I have more control. Graphite erases and is easy to fix when you make a mistake. Paint is much harder to fix and when you try to paint over something too many times it tends to ruin that part of the paper. 3. What was the most important discovery in the creation of these studies? The most important discovery in the creation of these studies was that cameras don't always capture color and shades the way you see them in person. My blue on the color wheel looked more purple in the picture than it did in person. 4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos for this project? What is your opinion of the videos? The most important information I learned from watching the videos for this project was that the primary colors are not red, cyan and yellow. They are magenta, cyan and yellow. I knew blue was really cyan. But i didn't know that red was magenta. Also I learned that magenta, yellow and cyan mixed together make black. I always just used black paint or mixed dark colors together to make black, I never knew the primary colors actually made black. I think these videos are very informative for people who don't know how to mix colors or how to create a value scale. But having an art major in the past, I have already learned these things and I didn't need the videos.
dhawco2010's Module 4 album on Photobucket

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Slideshow: Principles and Elements of Art

This protect took me some time to do. I took pictures and changed them multiple times when finding something I thought would work better for a specific element or principle of art. After selecting my final pictures, I followed the steps on how to embed the album into my blog post. That part wasn't too hard, it was basically just reading and following directions. Although this project took me a while to complete, I enjoyed doing it. When taking your own photos, you have no choice but to understand the meaning of each element and principle of art. If we were to google a picture, we would learn nothing. We would just copy and paste the picture and not take the time to understand the element or principle thats in the picture. Therefore, this project taught me a lot, and I feel I completely understand the principles and elements of art.
dhawco2010's Elements and Principles of Art album on Photobucket

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Blog 3: Color Theory and Emotional Effects

1. Describe Color and it's effects on emotions. Use the appropriate vocabulary of color in your posting. 
Color connects to our emotions with its different intensity, values and hues. Bright colors tend to make us happy, or put us in a good mood. When dark and dull colors often make us sad, angry, scared or depressed. Thats why in scary movies the colors are very dark and dull, because it changes your mood. If they were to use bright and happy colors in a scary movie, you probably wouldn't be as scared. 
2. What is a theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates you? Why?
The theoretical aspect of color that most fascinates me is how colors can effect our moods. Its amazing how that works. If you're looking at a painting of a rainbow, flowers and butterflies you're going to be in a better mood than if you're looking at a painting of a dark empty room.
3. In the Color video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and it's effects on emotions?
The biggest impact the color video had on me was how June was getting so angry with her painting. She reminded me of myself. She was angry because the colors weren't giving the right feeling. June said the colors were making the mood of the picture violent, and thats not what she wanted. 
4. In the Feelings video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and it's effects on emotions? 
The biggest impact the feelings video had on me was the "Mono Lisa" painting. Da Vinci created the "Mono Lisa" with a mysterious glow around her. I believe without this glow the "Mono Lisa" painting would give off a different feeling. The slight smile on the "Mono Lisa" also changed the mood of the painting. The smile and the glow together often made people smile while looking at Da Vinci's painting.  

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blog 2

1. For each video and article list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
The first video talked about all the philosophers and their theories on aesthetics. The different views on the beauty of art. The second video talked about the science of aesthetics and how the human brain develops. This film connected art with biology. 
2.Which philosopher's theory on aesthetics do you feel is most important? Be sure to mention the philosphers name, era (time in history), and contribution to the aesthetic theory in your response.
I feel that Immanuel Kant's theory on aesthetics is important. Immanuel Kant, an 18th Century philosopher believes that it is our judgment of taste that allows us to find beauty in art. That art is not beautiful from what we see, but by the way it makes us feel. Immanuel said "No one could teach someone how to create a masterpiece" This is because no one can teach someone how to feel, its the feelings you express in a work of art that makes it beautiful. 

3. What do you think about Changeux and Ramachandran scientific view of aesthetics and art? What was the most interesting fact you discovered from each speakers lecture? 

I think Changeux's speech was boring and hard to understand with his strong accent. But I did find it interesting that skulls were being used as tools. I think its kind of gross, but interesting. Ramachandran's speech was more interesting and easier to understand. I think I got a lot more out of his speech. I found his "eight laws of aesthetics" interesting. How much the brain is used in the critiquing of art. 

4. How do the videos and article relate to the readings in the text?
The first video relates to the text a lot. They both talk about the different artworks and the meanings of aesthetics. But the video goes more in depth of the philosophers theories on aesthetics. The second video doesn't relate to the text as much. This video talks more about the brain and how science is brought into the beauty of art. The text doesn't talk about the brain and the biology involved in the aesthetics of art. 
5. What is your opinion of the films and article? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics in your reading in the text?
I think the films and article were very informative. I never even heard the word aesthetics before this assignment, watching this video and doing the readings. The videos were kind of long, and hard to sit through but thats because they were into depth and were very detailed. The videos went in depth on who each philosopher was, their aesthetic theories, and where they were from. The second video went into depth on how the brain works and comes into place with art. If I were only to do the readings and not watch the videos I would barely understand the meaning of the word "aesthetics" the philosophers theories. The book mainly focuses on the art pieces themselves. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Post #1

The process of creating the gmail account was easy. It was just like setting up any email account witch i've done multiple times. Setting up the blog was a little confusing at first but not too hard to figure out. In this course I expect to learn about artist and their artwork. What an artist was feeling or thinking when they created such work and why they created it. I am very excited about taking my first online course. I am ready to experience something different, and I guess I will find out weather it's for me or not.